Black Bear
In this intriguing psychological drama, a filmmaker played by Aubrey Plaza retreats to a remote lake house to find inspiration for her next project. As tensions rise between her and the couple hosting her, portrayed by Christopher Abbott and Sarah Gadon, the lines between reality and fiction blur, leading to unexpected twists. Directed by Lawrence Michael Levine, the film explores themes of creativity, manipulation, and the complexities of human relationships. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, its unique narrative structure and strong performances have been widely noted. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 12
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Lawrence Michael Levine
Actors: Alexander Koch, Aubrey Plaza, Christopher Abbott, Grantham Coleman, Jennifer Kim, Lindsay Burdge, Lou Gonzalez, Paola Lázaro, Sarah Gadon, Shannon O'Neill
Country: United States of America
Company: Blue Creek Pictures, Oakhurst Entertainment, Tandem Pictures