Black Dawn
Following a devastating earthquake in eastern Japan, the country descends into turmoil. The Japanese authorities receive intelligence from the American CIA about uranium being illicitly transported within Japan. To get to the bottom of this, anti-terrorism agents, under the leadership of Kenji Sumimoto (played by Atsuro Watabe), focus their investigation on the wife of a corporate executive believed to be the terrorists’ liaison. Assisting in the investigation is an undercover Korean officer, portrayed by Kim Kang-Woo.
Director: Kentarō Horikirizono
Actors: Atsuro Watabe, Hana Toyoshima, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Kenichi Takitoh, Kim Kang-woo, Kiyohiko Shibukawa, Lim Hyung-jun, Machiko Ono, Toshiyuki Kitami, Yoko Maki
Country: Japan
Company: NHK
Worldwide Gross: $3,354,099