Bloody Drama
A chilling thriller unfolds as five ex-sorority sisters reunite for a final weekend bash at a pool party. Desperate to relive their carefree college days, they find themselves confronting the fractured reality of their current lives. As they attempt to drown their problems in alcohol and drugs, they remain unaware of a sinister presence with deadly intentions lurking nearby. The question looms: how much destruction will their unresolved conflicts and this malevolent force unleash? “Bloody Drama” pays homage to classic horror films like “Halloween,” “Friday the 13th,” and “A Nightmare on Elm Street.”
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Genre: Horror
Director: Colin Bressler
Actors: Billionna Olivia Reyes, Cristina Cruz RodrĂguez, David Carbajal, Katusha Robert, Makayla Keck, Mike Ettnie
Country: United States of America