Bob The Gambler
In this classic French film, directed by Jean-Pierre Melville, the story follows Bob Montagné, a seasoned gambler and former bank robber, as he plans a heist on a Deauville casino. The film delves into the underworld of Paris, exploring themes of loyalty, fate, and redemption. Roger Duchesne stars as the charismatic and complex Bob, whose meticulous planning is both thrilling and fraught with tension. Known for its stylish cinematography and influence on the heist genre, this film is a must-watch for fans of classic cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Jean-Pierre Melville
Actors: André Garet, Claude Cerval, Colette Fleury, Daniel Cauchy, Gerard Bühr, Guy Decomble, Howard Vernon, Isabelle Corey, René Havard, Roger Duchesne, Simone Paris
Country: France
Company: Organisation Générale Cinématographique, Play Art, Productions Cyme
Worldwide Gross: $16,152