Set in the 1980s, this Polish drama follows the groundbreaking journey of cardiac surgeon Zbigniew Religa, played by Tomasz Kot, as he defies the odds to perform the first successful heart transplant in Poland. The film delves into the challenges and triumphs of medical innovation, highlighting the determination and resilience of Religa and his team. Directed by Łukasz Palkowski, the movie received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the prestigious Polish Film Award for Best Film. For those interested in exploring this compelling story, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Biography, Drama, History
Director: Łukasz Palkowski
Actors: Cezary Kosinski, Jan Englert, Magdalena Czerwińska, Marian Opania, Piotr Głowacki, Rafał Zawierucha, Szymon Piotr Warszawski, Tomasz Kot, Władysław Kowalski, Zbigniew Zamachowski
Country: Poland
Company: Watchout Studio
Worldwide Gross: $11,960,658