Bon Cop Bad Cop 2
In this action-comedy sequel directed by Alain Desrochers, two mismatched detectives, played by Patrick Huard and Colm Feore, reunite to tackle a cross-border car theft ring with potentially dangerous implications. The film cleverly balances humor and suspense as the duo navigates cultural differences and personal challenges. While it doesn’t boast any major awards, it offers an engaging mix of action and comedy, appealing to fans of the buddy cop genre. For those interested, the movie is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
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Director: Alain Desrochers
Actors: André Bédard, Catherine St-Laurent, Colm Feore, Erik Knudsen, Lucie Laurier, Marc Beaupré, Mariana Mazza, Noam Jenkins, Patrick Huard, Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse
Country: Canada
Company: Item 7, Jessie Films