Bone Tomahawk
In this gritty Western horror film, a small-town sheriff, played by Kurt Russell, leads a posse on a treacherous mission to rescue captives from a group of cave-dwelling cannibals. The film features a strong ensemble cast, including Patrick Wilson, Matthew Fox, and Richard Jenkins, who deliver compelling performances that elevate the tension and drama. Directed by S. Craig Zahler, the movie is noted for its unique blend of genres and its unflinching portrayal of violence. While it did not receive major awards, it has garnered a cult following for its bold storytelling and atmospheric setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: S. Craig Zahler
Actors: David Arquette, Evan Jonigkeit, Fred Melamed, Kurt Russell, Lili Simmons, Maestro Harrell, Matthew Fox, Patrick Wilson, Richard Jenkins, Sid Haig
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Caliber Media Company, Platinum Platypus, Realmbuilders Productions
Worldwide Gross: $382,579