Booty Call
In this 1997 comedy directed by Jeff Pollack, the story follows two friends, Rushon and Bunz, played by Tommy Davidson and Jamie Foxx, as they embark on a double date with their respective romantic interests, Nikki and Lysterine. The evening takes a series of unexpected turns as the group navigates a series of comedic misadventures in their quest for intimacy. The film is notable for its humorous take on relationships and the chemistry between its lead actors. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a memorable entry in the comedy genre. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jeff Pollack
Actors: Ammie Sin, Amy Monique Waddell, Jamie Foxx, Kam Ray Chan, Ric Young, Scott LaRose, Tamala Jones, Tommy Davidson, Vivica A. Fox, Wiley Moore
Country: United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, The Turman-Morrissey Company
Worldwide Gross: $20,050,376