Boys Of Abu Ghraib
Set against the backdrop of the infamous Abu Ghraib prison during the Iraq War, this film follows the journey of a young American soldier, Jack Farmer, played by Luke Moran, who also directed the movie. As Jack navigates the moral complexities and harsh realities of his assignment, he forms an unexpected bond with an Iraqi detainee, challenging his perceptions of duty and humanity. The film delves into themes of power, ethics, and the psychological impact of war. Notably, the movie features performances by Sean Astin and Sara Paxton. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Luke Moran
Actors: Elijah Kelley, Jermaine Williams, John Heard, John Robinson, Kristen DeVore Rakes, Kristen Rakes, Michael Welch, Omid Abtahi, Rick Vargas, Sara Paxton, Sean Astin
Country: United States of America
Company: Rebel One Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $62,096