“Break” is an uplifting tale of transformation from poverty to prosperity. The narrative centers on Spencer Pryde (played by Sam Gittins), a talented young man from the inner city who squanders his potential on minor criminal activities. After witnessing the horrific murder of his friend Denis and falling into debt with a drug dealer known as Ginger, Spencer’s life seems to be unraveling. However, a fortuitous meeting with Vincent Quiang (portrayed by David Yip), a former eight-ball pool champion from China, offers Spencer a chance to change his path. To seize this opportunity, Spencer must extricate himself from the negative influences of his peers, surroundings, and current lifestyle.
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Director: Michael Elkin
Actors: Adam Deacon, Anna Danshina, David Yip, Jamie Foreman, Luke Mably, Rutger Hauer, Sam Gittins, Scott Peden, Sophie Stevens, Terri Dwyer
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Break Films, Scanner-Rhodes Productions