Breakfast with Scot
In this heartwarming comedy-drama, a former hockey player, played by Tom Cavanagh, and his partner, portrayed by Ben Shenkman, find their lives turned upside down when they become temporary guardians of a flamboyant and spirited young boy named Scot. The film explores themes of family, acceptance, and identity as the couple navigates the challenges of parenthood and societal expectations. Directed by Laurie Lynd, the movie offers a touching narrative with a blend of humor and emotion. While it did not receive major awards, it is notable for its positive portrayal of a same-sex couple. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Laurie Lynd
Actors: Ben Shenkman, Benz Antoine, Dylan Everett, Fiona Reid, Graham Greene, Jeananne Goossen, Noah Bernett, Robin Brûlé, Tom Cavanagh, Travis Ferris
Country: Canada
Company: Scot Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $46,060