Broken Kingdom
This powerful drama interlaces four distinct stories, spanning from the grim slums of Bogotá to the glamorous hills of Hollywood. A 14-year-old street girl forms an unexpected bond with an American author, while a day-care teacher in Los Angeles struggles under the burden of a devastating secret. Meanwhile, a university student unwittingly brings a grave threat into her life. The film features performances by Rachel Leigh Cook, Daniel Gillies, and Seymour Cassell.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Daniel Gillies
Actors: Carlos Sanchez, Daniel Gillies, Darren Le Gallo, Davin Ransom, Julie Ariola, Julieth Restrepo, Kandyse McClure, Kim Hawthorne, Rachael Leigh Cook, Seymour Cassel
Country: United States of America
Company: Arko Vision, Holymonster, Instinctive Film