Cadet Kelly
In this 2002 Disney Channel Original Movie directed by Larry Shaw, a free-spirited teenager’s life takes an unexpected turn when her mother remarries a military officer, leading her to enroll in a strict military academy. The film stars Hilary Duff as the titular character, who must navigate the challenges of military life while clashing with her commanding officer, played by Christy Carlson Romano. The story explores themes of discipline, friendship, and personal growth as the protagonist learns to adapt to her new environment. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it remains a beloved classic among fans of early 2000s Disney films. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family, TV Movie
Director: Larry Shaw
Actors: Aimee Garcia, Andrea Lewis, Christopher Tai, Christy Carlson Romano, Gary Cole, Hilary Duff, Joe Matheson, Linda Kash, Nigel Hamer, Sarah Gadon, Shawn Ashmore, Stewart Arnott, Tim Post
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Disney Channel, Leider/Shapiro Productions, Walt Disney Television