Set in the 19th century, this film explores the mysterious and intense relationship between a young woman named Lara and a captivating stranger, Carmilla, who arrives at her family’s secluded estate. As their bond deepens, Lara’s world is turned upside down, leading to a series of unsettling events. The movie, directed by Emily Harris, is a visually stunning adaptation of the classic Gothic novella. Starring Hannah Rae and Devrim Lingnau, it delves into themes of identity and desire. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Director: Emily Harris
Actors: Colin Blumenau, Daniel Tuite, Devrim Lingnau, Greg Wise, Hannah Rae, Jessica Raine, Joseph Baxter, Lorna Gayle, Scott Silven, Tobias Menzies
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Altitude Film Entertainment, Bird Flight Films, Tilly Films
Worldwide Gross: $16,791