Cartas da Guerra
Set against the backdrop of the Portuguese Colonial War, this film delves into the emotional turmoil of a young military doctor stationed in Angola. Through a series of heartfelt letters to his pregnant wife back home, the narrative explores themes of love, longing, and the harsh realities of war. Directed by Ivo Ferreira, the movie is a poignant adaptation of António Lobo Antunes’ letters, capturing the essence of human resilience amidst conflict. While it may not have garnered major awards, its evocative storytelling and striking black-and-white cinematography have been praised. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ivo Ferreira
Actors: Francisco Hestnes Ferreira, Isac Graça, João Pedro Mamede, João Pedro Vaz, Margarida Vila-Nova, Miguel Nunes, Ricardo Pereira, Sérgio Sá Cunha, Simão Cayatte, Tiago Aldeia
Company: Foley Walkers Studio, O Som e a Fúria, ZDF/Arte
Worldwide Gross: $177,388