Cat Shit One
In this animated action film directed by Kazuya Sasahara, viewers are introduced to a pair of anthropomorphic animal soldiers, Packy and Botasky, who are on a mission to rescue hostages in a Middle Eastern desert. The film uniquely blends intense military tactics with the unexpected charm of its rabbit protagonists, creating a distinctive viewing experience. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, its innovative approach to storytelling and animation has been noted by critics. For those interested, the movie is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Animation, Short, War
Director: Kazuya Sasahara
Actors: Hiroshi Tsuchida, Kenta Sakai, Masashi Nitta, Matthew Watkins, Satoshi Hino, Sawaki Akimoto, Yuki Hirako
Country: Japan