Charlie & Boots
In this heartwarming Australian road film, Paul Hogan and Shane Jacobson star as a father and son duo who embark on a journey to fulfill a long-held dream of fishing off the northernmost tip of Australia. The film explores themes of family, reconciliation, and adventure as the pair navigate their way through the picturesque landscapes of the Australian outback. Directed by Dean Murphy, the movie offers a blend of humor and poignant moments, capturing the essence of a father-son relationship. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Dean Murphy
Actors: Alan Powell, Anne Phelan, Anthony Hammer, Bec Asha, Deborah Kennedy, Lisa N Edwards, Morgan Griffin, Paul Hogan, Roy Billing, Shane Jacobson
Country: Australia
Company: Instinct Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $3,449,690