Cherry Tree Lane
In this tense British thriller directed by Paul Andrew Williams, a seemingly ordinary evening turns into a nightmare for a suburban couple when a group of teenagers invades their home. The film explores themes of fear and helplessness as the couple is held hostage, with the intruders seeking revenge on their son. The movie is noted for its intense atmosphere and strong performances, particularly from its lead actors. While it did not receive any major awards, it has been recognized for its gripping narrative and direction. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Director: Paul Andrew Williams
Actors: Ashley Chin, Corinne Douglas, Jennie Jacques, Jumayn Hunter, Kieran Dooner, Rachael Blake, Sonny Muslim, Tom Butcher, Tom Kane
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Limelight, Steel Mill Pictures