Set in 1930s Los Angeles, this film follows private investigator J.J. Gittes, played by Jack Nicholson, as he becomes embroiled in a complex web of deceit, corruption, and murder while investigating a seemingly routine case of marital infidelity. Faye Dunaway stars alongside Nicholson, delivering a compelling performance that adds depth to the intricate narrative. Directed by Roman Polański, the film is renowned for its masterful storytelling and atmospheric cinematography. It received critical acclaim and won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Top250Movies
Director: Roman Polański
Actors: Diane Ladd, Faye Dunaway, Jack Nicholson, James Hong, John Hillerman, John Huston, Perry Lopez, Richard Bakalyan, Roman Polański, Roy Jenson
Country: United States of America
Company: Long Road Productions, Paramount Pictures, Penthouse Video
Worldwide Gross: $29,231,618