Christiane F.
Set in the gritty urban landscape of 1970s Berlin, this film follows the harrowing journey of a young girl who becomes entangled in the world of drug addiction and prostitution. Directed by Uli Edel, the movie is a stark portrayal of the struggles faced by youth in a society plagued by substance abuse. The film features a memorable performance by Natja Brunckhorst in the lead role, capturing the raw and unsettling reality of her character’s life. Notably, the film includes a cameo by David Bowie, whose music also forms a significant part of the soundtrack. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Uli Edel
Actors: Andreas Fuhrmann, Christiane Lechle, David Bowie, Eberhard Auriga, Ellen Esser, Jan Georg Effler, Jens Kuphal, Lothar Chamski, Lutz Hemmerling, Natja Brunckhorst, Peggy Bussieck, Rainer Woelk, Thomas Haustein, Uwe Diderich
Country: Germany, West Germany
Company: Maran Film, Popular Filmproduktion, Solaris Film