Christmas in the Smokies
In this heartwarming holiday film, a determined woman fights to save her family’s historic berry farm in the picturesque Smoky Mountains. As Christmas approaches, she faces challenges from a local businessman and receives unexpected help from a former love interest, played by Sarah Lancaster. The movie features a blend of romance, family values, and the spirit of perseverance. Barry Corbin also stars, adding depth to the ensemble cast. Directed by Gary Wheeler, this film captures the essence of small-town charm and holiday cheer. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Family, Romance, TV Movie
Director: Gary Wheeler
Actors: Alan Powell, Barry Corbin, Brett Rice, Danny Vinson, Dave Blamy, Gregory Alan Williams, Jill Wagner, Karen Boles, Rebecca Koon, Sarah Lancaster
Country: United States of America
Company: Imagicomm Films, INSP Films