Christmas Oranges
Set in the early 1900s, this heartwarming tale follows the journey of a young orphan named Rose, who is transferred to a new orphanage after a tragic event. The story unfolds as she navigates the strict rules of her new home, where the children eagerly anticipate the rare treat of Christmas oranges. The film stars Edward Herrmann and Nancy Stafford, bringing depth to this touching narrative. Directed by John Lyde, it captures the essence of hope and kindness during the holiday season. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: John Lyde
Actors: Bailee Michelle Johnson, Bruce Newbold, Edward Herrmann, Elizabeth Hales, Ethan Hunt, Ethan Lyde, Nancy Stafford, Savanna Kylie Lewis, Sydney Peebler, Yolanda Stange, Yolanda Wood
Country: United States of America
Company: Mainstay Productions