In this heartwarming sci-fi comedy, a poor construction worker and his young son stumble upon a mysterious alien creature that changes their lives in unexpected ways. Directed by Stephen Chow, the film blends humor with touching moments as it explores themes of family, friendship, and the wonders of the unknown. The movie features Chow himself, alongside a talented cast that brings the story to life with charm and wit. While it didn’t receive major awards, it gained attention for its imaginative storytelling and special effects. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Stephen Chow
Actors: Han Yonghua, Huang Lei, Kitty Zhang, Lam Tze-chung, Lee Sheung-Ching, Poon Hang-Sang, Stephen Chow, Steven Fung Min-Hang, Xu Jiao, Yao Wen-Xue
Company: Beijing Film Studio, China Film Group Corporation (CFGC), Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia
Worldwide Gross: $49,529,913