In this 1994 comedy directed by Paul Flaherty, Martin Short stars as a mischievous 10-year-old boy who wreaks havoc on his uncle’s life during a visit to Los Angeles. Charles Grodin plays the beleaguered uncle, who is determined to impress his boss and secure a promotion, but finds his plans constantly thwarted by his nephew’s antics. The film explores themes of family dynamics and the chaos that ensues when a child’s imagination runs wild. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the performances of Short and Grodin are notable for their comedic timing. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy
Director: Paul Flaherty
Actors: Ben Savage, Brandis Kemp, Charles Grodin, Dabney Coleman, Don Galloway, Jennifer Savidge, Martin Short, Mary Steenburgen, Richard Kind, Tim Lane
Country: United States of America
Company: Morra, Brezner, Steinberg and Tenenbaum Entertainment (MBST), Orion Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $7,408,745