In this heartfelt Japanese drama, a young girl named Tomo finds herself living with her uncle Makio and his transgender girlfriend, Rinko, after her mother abandons her. The film delicately explores themes of family, acceptance, and identity, as Tomo learns to navigate her new life and the unconventional family dynamic. Directed by Naoko Ogigami, the movie is noted for its sensitive portrayal of LGBTQ+ issues and has been praised for its warm and compassionate storytelling. The film stars Toma Ikuta and Rinka Kakihara, whose performances bring depth to this touching narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Naoko Ogigami
Actors: Eiko Koike, Kaito Komie, Kenta Kiritani, Lily, Mimura, Misako Tanaka, Mugi Kadowaki, Rinka Kakihara, Shuji Kashiwabara, Toma Ikuta
Country: Japan
Company: dentsu, J Storm, Paradise Cafe
Worldwide Gross: $24,306