In this thrilling found-footage film directed by Matt Reeves, a group of friends in New York City find their lives turned upside down when a massive, mysterious creature attacks the city. The story unfolds through the lens of a handheld camera, providing an immersive and chaotic perspective on the unfolding disaster. The cast includes Michael Stahl-David, T.J. Miller, and Lizzy Caplan, who deliver compelling performances as they navigate the chaos and try to survive. Notably, the film was produced by J.J. Abrams, adding a layer of intrigue and anticipation to its release. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 43
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Matt Reeves
Actors: Adam Greeves, Adam Karst, Andrew Trujillo, Anjul Nigam, Baron Vaughn, Ben Feldman, Bertrand Roberson Jr., Billy Brown, Brandon G. Holley, Brian Klugman, Caley Bisson, Charlyne Yi, Chris Mulkey, Chris Spinelli, Craig Dabbs, Don Abernathy, Elena Caruso, Gene Richards, Hisonni Johnson, Hooman Khalili, Jake McLaughlin, James Thomas Bligh, Jamie Martz, Jason Cerbone, Jason Giffin, Jason Lombard, Jeffrey De Serrano, Jessica Lucas, John Robert, Julio Leal, Kelvin Yu, Lili Mirojnick, Liza Lapira, Lizzy Caplan, Margot Farley, Maria Zambrana, Martin Cohen, Matt Reeves, Maylen Calienes, Michael Ark, Michael Stahl-David, Mike Vogel, Odette Annable, Pavel Lychnikoff, Rachel Mower, Rasika Mathur, Rick Overton, Rob Kerkovich, Roma Torre, Ryan Key, Scott Lawrence, Susse Budde, T.J. Miller, Theo Rossi, Tim Griffin, Tommy Gerrits, Vakisha Coleman, Will Greenberg
Country: United States of America
Company: Bad Robot, Bluebush Productions, Cloverfield Productions, Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $172,394,180