Cockneys vs Zombies
In this British horror-comedy, a group of East End Londoners finds themselves in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. The story follows two brothers, played by Harry Treadaway and Rasmus Hardiker, who plan a bank heist to save their grandfather’s retirement home, only to be interrupted by the undead. The film cleverly blends humor with horror, featuring veteran actor Alan Ford in a memorable role. Directed by Matthias Hoene, it offers a unique twist on the zombie genre with its Cockney charm. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Matthias Hoene
Actors: Alan Ford, Dudley Sutton, Georgia King, Georgina Hale, Harry Treadaway, Honor Blackman, Jack Doolan, Michelle Ryan, Rasmus Hardiker, Richard Briers
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Kintop, Limelight, Molinare
Worldwide Gross: $107,348