Code 8
Set in a dystopian future where 4% of the population is born with supernatural abilities, this film explores the societal challenges faced by these individuals as they are marginalized and oppressed. The story follows Connor Reed, played by Robbie Amell, a young man with powerful abilities who struggles to pay for his ailing mother’s medical treatment. As he becomes entangled with a group of criminals led by Garrett, portrayed by Stephen Amell, Connor must navigate a world of crime and corruption. Directed by Jeff Chan, the film offers a gritty look at themes of inequality and resistance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Jeff Chan
Actors: Aaron Abrams, Alex Mallari Jr., Jai Jai Jones, Kari Matchett, Lawrence Bayne, Penny Eizenga, Robbie Amell, Shaun Benson, Stephen Amell, Sung Kang
Country: Canada, United Kingdom
Company: Collective Pictures, Colony Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $157,209