In this 2017 French comedy, a struggling music producer, played by Fabrice Eboué, devises a plan to form an interfaith musical group to save his career. The ensemble, consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and an imam, must overcome their differences to achieve harmony both on and off the stage. The film explores themes of tolerance and unity with humor and wit. While it did not receive any major awards, it features notable performances from its cast, including Audrey Lamy and Ramzy Bedia. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fabrice Eboué
Actors: Amelle Chahbi, Audrey Lamy, Bérénice Achille, Fabrice Eboué, Grégoire Foessel, Guillaume de Tonquédec, Jonathan Cohen, Mathilde Seigner, Mylene Bude, Ramzy Bedia
Country: France
Company: Chez Félix, EuropaCorp, France 2 Cinéma
Worldwide Gross: $5,319,108