Coin Heist
In this engaging teen drama, a group of high school students bands together to pull off an ambitious heist to save their school from financial ruin. The film explores themes of teamwork, ingenuity, and the challenges of adolescence, all set against the backdrop of a daring plan to infiltrate the U.S. Mint. Directed by Emily Hagins, the movie features a talented young cast, including Alex Saxon and Sasha Pieterse, who bring depth to their roles. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the film is notable for its unique premise and youthful energy. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Family, Romance
Director: Emily Hagins
Actors: Alex Saxon, Alexis G. Zall, Blanche Baker, David W. Thompson, Jay Walker, Mark Blum, Michael Cyril Creighton, Neal Huff, Olivia Birkelund, Sasha Pieterse
Country: United States of America
Company: Adaptive Studios, Netflix