Cold Prey 2
In this chilling sequel directed by Mats Stenberg, the story picks up immediately after the events of its predecessor, following the sole survivor of a brutal massacre in the Norwegian mountains. As she is taken to a nearby hospital, the nightmare reignites when the killer’s body is brought in, leading to a terrifying game of cat and mouse within the hospital’s confines. The film stars Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, who delivers a compelling performance as the resilient protagonist. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie is noted for its intense atmosphere and suspenseful pacing. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Mats Stenberg
Actors: Andreas Cappelen, Fridtjov Såheim, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Johanna Mørck, Kim Arne Hagen, Mads Sjøgård Pettersen, Marthe Snorresdotter Rovik, Mats Eldøen, Per Schaanning, Vetle Qvenild Werring
Country: Norway
Company: Fantefilm
Worldwide Gross: $3,517,248