Cold Weather
In this intriguing indie film directed by Aaron Katz, a former forensic science student named Doug returns to his hometown of Portland, Oregon, where he becomes embroiled in a mysterious case involving his ex-girlfriend. The film stars Cris Lankenau, Trieste Kelly Dunn, and Raúl Castillo, who deliver compelling performances that drive the narrative forward. As Doug teams up with his sister and a co-worker, the story unfolds with a blend of mystery and humor, capturing the essence of a modern-day detective story. This film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Aaron Katz
Actors: Ben Stambler, Brendan McFadden, Cris Lankenau, Jeb Pearson, Raúl Castillo, Robyn Rikoon, Trieste Kelly Dunn
Country: United States of America
Company: Parts and Labor, Parts and Weather, White Buffalo Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $144,056