Cole Younger & The Black Train
Set in the chaotic era after the Civil War, this 2012 movie helmed by Christopher Forbes explores the life of the notorious outlaw Cole Younger. The story tracks Younger’s challenges and adventures as he maneuvers through a perilous and treacherous world. The film includes performances by actors like Cody McCarver and Jerry Chesser. It is available for free viewing on Soap2day for those interested.
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Director: Christopher Forbes
Actors: Arlene Lagos, Braxton Williams, Cody McCarver, David Coon, Debra Carlsen, Janice Baxter, Jerry Chesser, John Hudson, Michael Madsen, Mike Baxter, Mitch Mitchell, Nick Smith, Ronald Bumgardner, Stan Fink, Tripp Courtney
Country: United States of America
Company: Forbesfilm