Collateral Beauty
In this 2016 drama directed by David Frankel, a successful New York advertising executive, played by Will Smith, experiences a profound personal tragedy that leads him to question the universe by writing letters to Love, Time, and Death. His colleagues, portrayed by an ensemble cast including Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, and Helen Mirren, devise a plan to help him confront his grief in unexpected ways. The film explores themes of loss, healing, and the interconnectedness of life. While it did not receive major awards, it features a star-studded cast and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Frankel
Actors: Ann Dowd, Edward Norton, Helen Mirren, Jacob Latimore, Kate Winslet, Keira Knightley, Kylie Rogers, Michael Peña, Naomie Harris, Will Smith
Country: United States of America
Company: Anonymous Content, New Line Cinema, Village Roadshow Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $88,616,021