Come What May
Set against the backdrop of World War II, this film follows the harrowing journey of a group of villagers from northern France as they flee the advancing German forces. The narrative intricately weaves the personal stories of the villagers, including a Scottish soldier played by Matthew Rhys, who becomes separated from his unit and joins their exodus. Directed by Christian Carion, the film captures the chaos and humanity of wartime displacement with poignant detail. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a compelling portrayal of resilience and hope. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Christian Carion
Actors: Alice Isaaz, August Diehl, François Godart, Jacques Bonnaffé, Joshio Marlon, Laurent Gerra, Mathilde Seigner, Matthew Rhys, Olivier Gourmet, Thomas Schmauser
Company: Artémis Productions, Nord-Ouest Films, Pathé
Worldwide Gross: $1,309,818