Comfort and Joy
In this 1984 film directed by Bill Forsyth, the story follows a Glasgow radio DJ named Alan “Dickie” Bird, played by Bill Paterson, who finds himself embroiled in a quirky and unexpected conflict between rival ice cream vendors. As he navigates the chaos that ensues, the film offers a humorous and heartwarming exploration of personal and professional upheaval. Known for its charming and offbeat narrative, the movie showcases Forsyth’s unique storytelling style. While it may not have garnered major awards, it remains a beloved piece of 1980s cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Holiday Comedy
Director: Bill Forsyth
Actors: Alex Norton, Bill Paterson, Billy McElhaney, Clare Grogan, Eleanor David, George Rossi, Patrick Malahide, Peter Rossi, Rikki Fulton, Roberto Bernardi
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Lake (Comfort and Joy), Scottish Television (STV), Thorn EMI Screen Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $1,057,368