Concrete Night
Set against the stark backdrop of Helsinki, this film follows a young boy named Simo as he navigates the complexities of life over the course of a single night. Under the shadow of his older brother’s impending imprisonment, Simo grapples with existential questions and the harsh realities of adulthood. Directed by Pirjo Honkasalo, the film is noted for its striking black-and-white cinematography, which enhances its atmospheric and introspective narrative. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Pirjo Honkasalo
Actors: Alex Anton, Anneli Karppinen, Iida Kuningas, Jari Virman, Johannes Brotherus, Juhan Ulfsak, Mauno Paajanen, Pauli Poranen, Rea Mauranen, Teijo Eloranta
Country: Denmark, Finland, Sweden
Company: BUFO, Magic Hour Films, Plattform Produktion
Worldwide Gross: $44,551