Conquest 1453
Set against the backdrop of the 15th century, this historical epic chronicles the dramatic events leading up to the fall of Constantinople, a pivotal moment in world history. The film follows the ambitious Sultan Mehmed II, portrayed by Devrim Evin, as he leads the Ottoman Empire in a relentless siege to capture the Byzantine capital. Directed by Faruk Aksoy, the movie is noted for its grand scale and impressive battle sequences. While it did not receive any major awards, it stands out for its ambitious portrayal of a significant historical event. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, History, War
Director: Faruk Aksoy
Actors: Cengiz Coşkun, Devrim Evin, Dilek Serbest, Erden Alkan, Erdoğan Aydemir, İbrahim Çelikkol, Naci Adigüzel, Raif Hikmet Cam, Recep Aktuğ, Şahika Koldemir
Country: Turkey
Company: Aksoy Film, Medyapim
Worldwide Gross: $35,797,045