Cowboy Bill Martin: Let the Laughter Roll
Renowned comedian Cowboy Bill Martin, known for his unique style of stand-up, has performed across the globe. In his debut one-hour special, Cowboy Bill returns to his roots to explore themes of love, life’s vulnerabilities, and the essence of being a contemporary man. While he dons cowboy attire and speaks with a Texan drawl, his humor resonates universally. CMT, in collaboration with Inception Media Group, Middlin’ Creative, and Cowtown Drive-In Productions, proudly presents the world television premiere of the stand-up comedy special, “Cowboy Bill Martin: Let the Laughter Roll,” airing on Saturday night, November 21, 2015.
Genre: Comedy
Director: John H. Reynolds
Actors: William Lee Martin
Country: United States of America
Company: Middlin' Creative