Crazy Beautiful
In this romantic drama directed by John Stockwell, the story follows the intense and complicated relationship between two high school students from different backgrounds. Kirsten Dunst stars as Nicole, a rebellious and troubled teenager from a wealthy family, while Jay Hernandez plays Carlos, a hardworking and ambitious student from a modest background. Their love story unfolds amidst the challenges posed by their contrasting worlds and personal struggles. The film explores themes of love, class differences, and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Stockwell
Actors: Bruce Davison, Herman Osorio, Jay Hernandez, Kirsten Dunst, Lucinda Jenney, Miguel Castro, Rolando Molina, Soledad St. Hilaire, Taryn Manning, Tommy De La Cruz
Country: United States of America
Company: Touchstone Pictures, Ufland Productions
Worldwide Gross: $19,937,988