Creepshow 3
This sequel to the anthology series initiated by George Romero and Stephen King presents five fresh horror stories along with a connecting narrative. The primary tales explore themes such as parallel universes in “Alice,” haunted electronic gadgets in “The Radio,” the dangerous desires of vampires and murderers in “Call Girl,” eccentric inventors in “The Professor’s Wife,” and ghostly apparitions in “Haunted Dog.”
Views: 6
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Ana Clavell, James Glenn Dudelson
Actors: AJ Bowen, Bunny Gibson, Elina Madison, Justin Smith, Matt Fromm, Nathan Kirkland, Roy Abramsohn, Selma Pinkard, Stephanie Pettee, Susan Schramm
Country: United States of America
Company: Creepy Film Productions, Taurus Entertainment Company