Crows Explode
Set in the notorious Suzuran High School, the film follows the power struggles and intense rivalries among students vying for dominance after the graduation of previous leaders. The story introduces new characters, including Kaburagi Kazeo, played by Masahiro Higashide, who becomes embroiled in the fierce battles for supremacy. Directed by Toshiaki Toyoda, the film is part of the Crows Zero series, known for its gritty portrayal of high school gang conflicts. While it did not receive any major awards, it continues the franchise’s tradition of high-octane action and drama. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 8
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Toshiaki Toyoda
Actors: Kento Nagayama, Kenzō Maihara, Kyôsuke Yabe, Masahiro Higashide, Motoki Fukami, Ryo Katsuji, Ryusuke Ito, Taichi Saotome, Takanori Iwata, Yuya Yagira
Country: Japan
Company: Akita Shoten, Chubu-nippon Broadcasting Company (CBC), Happinet, Happinet(I).
Worldwide Gross: $10,315,875