Crucible of the Vampire
Isabelle, a young museum curator played by Katie Goldfinch, is tasked with examining an ancient artifact found in the basement of a grand estate in Shropshire. Upon her arrival, she is greeted by a family that appears warm and welcoming: Karl (portrayed by Larry Rew), his wife Evelyn (played by Babette Barat), and their stunning daughter Scarlet (Florence Cady). However, beneath their friendly facade lies a sinister and frightening secret.
Views: 3
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery
Director: Iain Ross-McNamee
Actors: Aaron Jeffcoate, Angela Carter, Babette Barat, Brian Croucher, Charles O'Neill, Katie Goldfinch, Larry Rew, Lisa Martin, Neil Morrissey, Phil Hemming
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Ghost Dog Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,773