Cube Zero
In this prequel to the cult classic series, the story delves into the origins of the mysterious and deadly cube, focusing on the individuals who monitor its operations. The narrative follows a technician named Eric Wynn, played by Zachary Bennett, who becomes increasingly disturbed by the inhumane experiments conducted within the cube. As he grapples with his conscience, Eric decides to intervene, leading to a tense and suspenseful exploration of morality and control. Directed by Ernie Barbarash, the film offers a deeper understanding of the cube’s sinister purpose. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Ernie Barbarash
Actors: David Huband, Joshua Peace, Martin Roach, Michael Riley, Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang, Richard McMillan, Stephanie Moore, Terri Hawkes, Tony Munch, Zachary Bennett
Country: Canada
Company: Lions Gate Entertainment, Mad Circus Films, Mr. X