Dances with Wolves
Set during the American Civil War, this epic Western drama follows Lieutenant John J. Dunbar, played by Kevin Costner, who also directed the film. Dunbar is assigned to a remote western outpost where he befriends a tribe of Lakota Sioux, leading to a transformative journey of self-discovery and cultural understanding. The film is renowned for its stunning cinematography and authentic portrayal of Native American culture. It received critical acclaim, winning seven Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 17
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Oscar Winners, Top250Movies, Western
Director: Kevin Costner
Actors: Annie Costner, Bill Costner, Bill W. Curry, Buck, Buffalo Child, Carter Hanner, Charles Rocket, Clayton Big Eagle, Conor Duffy, David J. Fuller, Donald Hotton, Doris Leader Charge, Elisa Daniel, Floyd Red Crow Westerman, Frank P. Costanza, Graham Greene, J. Wesley Adams, James A. Mitchell, Jason R. Lone Hill, Jim Wilson, Jimmy Herman, John Tail, Justin, Kent Hays, Kevin Costner, Kirk Baltz, Larry Joshua, Maretta Big Crow, Marvin Holy, Mary McDonnell, Maury Chaykin, Michael Spears, Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse, Nick Thompson, Otakuye Conroy, Percy White Plume, R. L. Curtin, Raymond Newholy, Redwing Ted Nez, Richard Leader Charge, Robert Goldman, Robert Pastorelli, Rodney A. Grant, Ryan White Bull, Sheldon Peters Wolfchild, Steve Reevis, Steven Chambers, Tantoo Cardinal, Teddy, Tom Everett, Tony Pierce, Wayne Grace, Wes Studi, William H. Burton Jr., William Rossman
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Allied Filmmakers, Bluebush Productions, Majestic Films International, Tig Productions
Worldwide Gross: $424,208,848