In this gripping horror drama, a feral teenager is discovered and taken to a Catholic hospital, where she becomes the subject of a sinister rehabilitation program. As she struggles to adapt to her new environment, dark secrets from her past begin to surface, challenging the intentions of those around her. Pollyanna McIntosh, who also directed the film, delivers a compelling narrative that explores themes of identity and societal norms. The film stars Lauryn Canny in a standout performance as the titular character. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Pollyanna McIntosh
Actors: Bryan Batt, Cooper Andrews, Geraldine Singer, Jeff Pope, John McConnell, Lauryn Canny, Mackenzie Graham, Maddie Nichols, Nora-Jane Noone, Pollyanna McIntosh
Country: United States of America
Company: Hood River Entertainment