Dead Shack
In this 2017 horror-comedy, a family weekend getaway takes a dark turn when a group of teenagers discovers their neighbor’s sinister secret. As they fight for survival, the film blends humor with horror, creating a unique take on the zombie genre. Directed by Peter Ricq, the movie features performances by stars such as Matthew Nelson-Mahood and Lizzie Boys. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, it stands out for its clever mix of scares and laughs. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Peter Ricq
Actors: Bryan Demore, Donavon Stinson, Gabriel LaBelle, Lauren Holly, Lizzie Boys, Matthew Nelson-Mahood, Raphael Kepinski, Sean MacLean, Taylor St. Pierre, Valerie Tian
Country: Canada
Company: Goodbye Productions, Trilight Entertainment