Deadliest Prey
In this action-packed sequel, Mike Danton, played by Ted Prior, finds himself once again thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse. Kidnapped by a vengeful Colonel Hogan, Danton must rely on his survival skills to outwit a group of mercenaries hunting him for sport. Directed by David A. Prior, the film revisits the intense themes of survival and revenge that characterized its predecessor. While it may not have garnered any awards, it offers a nostalgic throwback to 80s action films. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Director: David A. Prior
Actors: Cat Tomeny, David A. Prior, David James Campbell, Dimitri Simakis, Fritz Matthews, Suki-Rose Otter, Tara Kleinpeter, Ted Prior, Zack Carlson
Country: United States of America
Company: Night Claws Productions