Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp
In this South Korean horror film directed by Seon-Dong Yu, a group of high school students attending a summer camp find themselves trapped in a deadly game when a mysterious figure begins targeting them. As the students are forced to solve a series of gruesome puzzles to survive, tensions rise and secrets are revealed. The film stars Hwang Jung-eum and Park Ji-yeon, who deliver compelling performances amidst the suspenseful and chilling atmosphere. While it did not receive any major awards, the movie is noted for its intense and thrilling plot twists. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Horror
Director: Seon-Dong Yu
Actors: Hwang Jung-eum, Ji Chang-wook, Kim Soo-ro, Lee Ah-jin, Nam Bo-ra, Park Eun-bin, Park Ji-yeon, Yeo Min-Joo, Yoon Seung-ah, Yoon Shi-yoon, Yun Si-yun
Country: South Korea
Company: Core Contents Media
Worldwide Gross: $5,198,289