Death Hunt
Set in the rugged wilderness of the Yukon during the 1930s, this action-packed thriller follows a tense manhunt led by a determined lawman, played by Lee Marvin, as he pursues a reclusive trapper, portrayed by Charles Bronson, who is wrongfully accused of murder. The film, directed by Peter R. Hunt, is inspired by true events and showcases the harsh realities of survival and justice in a remote frontier. With its gripping narrative and strong performances, the movie offers a compelling exploration of human endurance and morality. Interestingly, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Western
Director: Peter R. Hunt
Actors: Andrew Stevens, Angie Dickinson, Carl Weathers, Charles Bronson, Ed Lauter, Henry Beckman, Jon Cedar, Lee Marvin, Scott Hylands, William Sanderson
Country: Hong Kong, United States of America
Company: Golden Harvest Company, Northshore Investments Ltd.